Who am I again?

A re-introduction since it has been 9 months since my last real post….

Hello friends. My name is Rebecca. But if you are on my blog site, you hopefully already know that. Or if not, at least now you do.

A N Y W A Y , I took a travel writing class at the University of Delaware, and my professor told me I was special. He said to write about “why people need to listen to you, you are special, so tell them what makes you special.”

Sure, it was a blanket statement to the whole class, but I took it as a personal compliment. So, thank you professor McCamley.

I don’t know if I believe that I am special and I don’t know why exactly you would choose to read my writing, other than the simple fact that I am a special strain of amazing.

How am I awesome you ask?

I grew up in a beach town outside of Los Angeles, California. I used to play highly competitive softball and was being looked at by Division I schools. But I quit because I was an American Field Service (AFS) exchange student for my junior year of high school where I lived in Norway for eleven months. There I became conversational in a language I had never heard before (Norwegian) in a matter of 5 months. Are you impressed yet? No? OK. After graduating from high school in California, I moved to Delaware to attend university. There I study three languages, Spanish, French, and Russian. So, in case you wanted to know I am a polyglot and if people forget, my mother takes the burden off me and she reminds them. Speaking of my mother, she works for the airlines, so I have grown up with flight benefits and juiced them for all they are worth. Home Number 1: California, Home Number 2: Norway, and Home Number 3: Airports across the globe. I work as a tour guide at the University of Delaware, as well as an English writing tutor. And I have friends across the globe whose spare beds and couches I love to sleep on.

Basically, I am cool.

I love food. So currently, I am trying my hand at running an amateur food Instagram (@lilbeefsteak). Oh, I should tell you. I also have one rapper name that I have had since about the 8th grade. It is SisterBeckyP. Kind of a long story, so ask if you are interested, if not it can just be a mystery. Now, with my not-so-new found love of food and my new goal of working at Bon Appetit Magazine, I have coined a new name, Lil’ Beefsteak. This one comes from both my love of and resemblance to the world’s favorite fruit/vegetable. If you see me without that good BareMinerals make-up on, I forever and always look a little sunburnt (i.e. TOMATO). This is due to my Norwegian roots and the fact that my pale-skinned-self grew up in a place that is known to be sunny year-round. And over the course of my 21 years, I learned somewhere that adding Lil’ in front of anything makes it a rapper name. Sorry I am so Caucasian.

If you need anymore reason to run away just let me know. If not, thank you for reading, and thank you for choosing to travel the Hot Mess Express. You will be awarded 50,000 extra frequent flyer miles for reading this blog.*


*You will not be awarded any extra miles. I do not have that power. But I appreciate you for thinking I could.

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